梦想的路上,总会有风雨,但只要心中有光,就能照亮前行的路。After the government has taken all the wizards away, Alex decides to reveal wizards to the world. The rest of the wizarding world doesn't exactly take well to it....
Alex, fils d’un caïd pied-noir marseillais, s’est engagé dans la Légion pour échapper à un règlement de compte avec la mafia Corse… 4 ans plus tard, Alex déserte et revient sur Marseille pour retrou...
Anna Nix is sent to a juvenile prison for the murder of her abusive stepfather. In the prison, she discovers relationships, drugs, complex mental illness, and her eventual search for redemption有些爱,一旦起...
Sue, Cheryl and Lexi are best friends. They do something special every year for their birthday as they were all born on the same day. Now their 18th birthday, they set out to lose their virginity生命中...
由西班牙导演伊格尼斯(Álex de la Iglesia)所执导的《球神梅西》自传电影,完整描述阿根廷足球天王巨星梅西(Lionel Messi)童年时期到成名,是一部半纪录半剧情片,片中访问了包含梅西的朋友、队友、教练、足球界明星球员等,并在罗萨里奥、布宜诺斯艾利斯、巴塞隆纳等三地取有时候,一个微笑,比千言万语还要动人。。 「我们知道他在场上宛如天才,我们也想知道他在场下是什么样的人。」 ...
身材姣好的年轻女性莎拉·沃克(艾丽克斯·埃索 Alex Essoe 饰)目前正在某个快餐店打工,她始终怀有演员的梦想,但是多次试镜均告失败,令她心中满是失落与挫败感。某天,她漫不经心地向《动听的尖叫声》剧组提交了试镜申请,不曾想她的申请竟然通过了,这令莎拉喜出望外。最初的试镜不甚理想,可是莎拉在卫生间歇斯底里的发泄得到对方的赏识。在此之后,她被要求重新试镜,并顺利拿到第二次试镜的机会。这个女子兴奋...